Material Handling Equipments
Ashwani Kumar
6/25/2020 3:21:14 AM
Material handling equipment (MHE) is mechanical equipment used for the movement, storage, control and protection of materials, goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal
The term ‘material handling equipment’ is a pretty broad one. There’s plenty of situations where it’s critical to move large and often heavy materials in a production environment.
Plenty of items fall under this definition, from tools and storage units to vehicles and major appliances.
Anything that deals with the transportation, storage and control at any stage of the processing of materials can be classified as material handling equipment.
There are 4 Main Categories of Material Handling Equipment
1)Bulk material handling
2)Engineered systems
3)Industrial trucks
4)Storage and handling equipment
1)The term ‘bulk handling equipment’ refers to the storage, control and transportation of materials by bulk, and in loose form.
examples of this application – the handling of food, beverages, liquids, metal items etc
2)An engineered system is one that is typically automated. Such systems are also usually created from a variety of units.
When combined, they work to enable both storage and transportation.An ‘Automated Storage and Retrieval System’ (or a AS/RS for short) is one example of a system that is engineered
This device can be used by the system operator to manually select the items as needed, or the entire system can be computerized and automated.
Types of engineered systems
a)Automated guided vehicles (AGVs)
b)Conveyor systems
c)Robotic delivery systems
3)Industrial trucks
Industrial trucks are trucks that are not licensed to travel on public roads Industrial trucks are used to move materials over variable paths and when there is insufficient flow volume such that the use of a conveyor cannot be justified.They provide more flexibility in movement than conveyors and cranes because there are no restrictions on the area covered, and they provide vertical movement if the truck has lifting capabilities.
4)Storage and Handling Equipment
Storage equipment is equipment that is used to hold products and materials when they are not being used, or when they are waiting to enter or leave the production process. These periods could be long-term, or short-term in order to allow a suitable build-up of stock or finished items.
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