Let's see what's new in Sitecore 10 (Sitecore Experience Platform 10) ,w'll go through its features/highlights
prem murmu
8/22/2020 6:24:56 AM
Sitecore 10 is released on the 4th of august 2020,Now it has many good new features i will describe all today.
What Sitecore 10 mean actually?
If We look into the recent history of the sitecore ,after Sitecore 9.3.0 we don't have any Sitecore 9.4.0 versions, Sitecore directly introduced the sitecore 10.
some good new features from this release.
what did i understand ,is the sitecore is moving towards more cloud models like saas,pass etc
Earlier Sitecore 10,setting up sitecore or install sitecore in on-premises or production environment(thing with the deploymet process) tasks was time taking,but now in siecore 10 ,it makes easy new sitecore setup using sitecore containers.
We can deploy(ship) sitecore container from local to production directly,it will immediately run.We can use Sitecore docker for the local machine and deploy the containers on the azure like to scale up and down to manage using the kubernetes.
Using this sitecore container,It is possible to make consistent environment from the local to the production environment.
Sometimes the developers feel that something is working in the local ,but not working in SIT or UAT or Production so using this containers concept in sitecore we can make sure that the environment is same from local to the production.
Sitecore focuses on...
So Sitecore 10 is more focus on product updates and enhancements that provide more development and deployment options, increase usability and improve overall performance,thus building application is easier and faster to launch and evolve digital customer experiences.
Sitecore 10 for Developers:
1.Sitecore Containers:
a.Team Onboarding process become easy.
b.Consistency between all environment (local and cloud environments).
c.Sitecore Docker for local environment and kubernetes for production.
d.Easy support, rapid deployment.
2.ASP.NET Core headless development option
a.It allows developers to build the applications faster with the help of latest .NET technology.
b.It will work similar way of jss.
c.It will run independently of sitecore, but still render content will be fected from sitecore cms platform.
3.Sitecore CLI and Sitecore for Visual Studio
a.New tool to serialization sitecore content items
b.It bring headless serialization by combining the best of TDS and Unicorn.
c.It will easy for developer to script the content items changes and can move those to different environment as per the deployment process.
Sitecore 10 for marketers:
1.Audience analytics filters
It will allow deeper insights on audience engagement and segmentation to drive powerful personalization across all channels.
2.Additional HTML Email Templates
a.sitecore 10 providing addition htmlt templates for EXM(Email Experience marketing).
b.It will provide more options when crafting emails, that leads to the quicker creation and delivery of targeted emails to customer inboxes.
3.Horizon Editing inferface
Its new generation of sitecore experience editor,that can replace the existing classic XP editor,Updates give marketers in-context insight across multilingual and multisite experiences.
4.Stronger CMP(Content marketing platform) integration
a.it will support additional field types.
b.It will allow for persistent taxonomy associations when importing into XP taxonomy repositories and connecting CMP to XP.
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