Ashwani Kumar
12/12/2020 11:21:58 AM
What is conveyor?
A conveyor system is a fast and efficient mechanical handling equipment for automatically transporting loads and materials within an area.
Conveyor systems allow for quick and efficient transportation of a businesses materials and products as well as being able to move heavy items such as cars down a production line which make them popular in the material handling and packaging industries as well as the manufacturing industries.
Conveyors are also popular in consumer applications for food and people transportation such as supermarkets, sushi restaurants, airports, and shopping centres. So not only do they transport heavy items, but they are also useful for moving small plates and people in a quicker and more efficient manner.
How do conveyor system work?
Typically, conveyor systems consist of a belt stretched across two or more pulleys. The belt forms a closed loop around the pulleys so it can continually rotate. One pulley, known as the drive pulley, drives or tows the belt, moving items from one location to another.
The most common conveyor system designs use a rotor to power the drive pulley and belt. The belt remains attached to the rotor through the friction between the two surfaces. For the belt to move effectively, both the drive pulley and idler must run in the same direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
There are many types of conveyor systems, including:
4)Ball transfer
12)Walking beam
Materials used in a conveyor system for impact and wear-resistance
Conveyors need to be resistant to impact and wear due to the high volume of items they’re moving that can be sharp and heavy and not be seized up due to deformation.The handling materials that conveyors use include UHMW, nylon, Nylatron NSM, HDPE, Tivar, Tivar ESd, and polyurethane. The handling material used will depend on the function of the conveyor and where static control is a factor, the conveyor system will need special materials to be designed to either dissipate or conduct electrical charges from the conveyor.
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