Robot Safety fencing
2/22/2021 9:17:58 PM
Robotics is a growing field as more and more companies are incorporating industrial automation into their production processes. Robotics are used for replacing humans who were performing unsafe, hazardous, highly repetitive, and unpleasant tasks. They are utilized to accomplish many different types of application functions such as material handling, assembly, arc welding, resistance welding, machine tool load/unload functions, painting/spraying, etc.
Robots offer the advantage that they can be programmed to repeat a particular task with great accuracy, and a further benefit is that they can be reprogrammed to perform a different task, whether that is a variation of the original task or a completely new task elsewhere within the factory. Whenever a robot is reprogrammed, the guarding must be reconsidered to check that it still providing adequate robot safety.
Types of robots:
Here are some of the robot types likely to be found in professional settings:
Industrial robot: An automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator, programmable in three or more axes, which can be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications such as manufacturing, inspection, packaging and assembly.
Professional service robot: A robot that performs commercial tasks outside of industrial automation applications. For example, a robot used in cleaning, delivery, firefighting or surgery.
Mobile robot: A robot that can travel under its own control.
Collaborative robot: A robot designed for direct interaction with humans.
Source: International Organization for Standardization
When a robot is to be used in a workplace, the employer should accomplish a comprehensive operational safety/health hazard analysis and then devise and implement an effective safeguarding system which is fully responsive to the situation.
For example, a worker could collide with the robot’s arm or peripheral equipment as a result of unpredicted movements, component malfunctions, or unpredicted program changes. The worker could be injured by being trapped between the robot’s arm and other peripheral equipment or being crushed by peripheral equipment as a result of being impacted by the robot into this equipment.
Hazards of working with robots
OSHA identifies 7 potential hazards within robotic work cells:
1)Human Errors. Human error occurs in day-to-day activity and this is no different with regard to a robotic work cell. ...
2)Control Errors. ...
3)Unauthorized Access. ...
4)Mechanical Failures. ...
5)Environmental Sources. ...
6)Power Systems. ...
7)Improper Installation
Benefits of Steel fencing
Maintain Peak Production
When employee safety demands are met, the company as a whole can work more effectively. Implementing safety fences in your facility gives employees peace of mind knowing they are protected from hazards. As a result, they will operate machines more efficiently. By minimizing safety risks, disruptions in the workspace, and machine downtime, safety systems help the entire production process run at optimum capacity.
Increase Your Bottom Line
Increased safety naturally leads to peak production, which in turn increases your bottom line. Not only do safety systems keep fines and lawsuits at bay, but they also cut costs by protecting your equipment, allowing for uninterrupted production, minimizing maintenance expenses, and extending overall service life. Each of these small enhancements contribute to long-term growth for your business.
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