Quick installation of Sitecore 9.3 in may 2020
Prem Murmu
5/25/2020 3:29:14 PM
Sitecore 9.3 is new intuitive, contextual content editing environment, in which users can easily control and optimize their websites, enhancements to reporting, marketing automation, and performance accelerate time to value.
Sitecore 9.3 is GUI-based Sitecore Installation, which makes the installation process quite easy and straightforward.
Lets Start Sitecore 9.3 installations:
1. Download the files installations setup from the Sitecore downloads(https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads.aspx).
2. Extract the Sitecore download zip files and put a valid Sitecore license on it.
3. Find the setup file and run as administrator and it will open welcome windows, like below image;
4. Click install prerequisite.
5. Installing prerequisite:
6. Prerequisite installed, appear like below.
7. Click next to install Solr service.
8. It will open the install Solr search service window, like below. You can just skip this process, if you have already installed Solr service and Skip upto point 13.
For configuring Solr setting , you will get chances at Point 18.
9. Fill the windows service and path prefix name As’” SolrApp” and you can change the port and install path, but keep them default is also a good choice.
10. There are two options :1. install and 2.Skip,If you want to install then click option 1 otherwise click skip to if you have already installed the solr service.
11. Solr is installed succesfully.
12. You can check it in you windows service app.
13. You can just hit solr local url: https://localhost:8983/solr/#/ to make sure it is running well.
14. Click next in after Solr installation, Sitecore setting will open up.
15. Fill boxes:
Installation/solution prefix: Siteprem you can keep any name prefix
Sitecore admin password: b
Sitecore license files: you have to select the valid Sitecore license here.
16. Click next, it will open the sql server setting.
17. Put you setting like below:
Microsoft SQL server instance: your sql server instance name,
Microsoft SQL server admin user name: sa,
Microsoft SQL server admin password: xxxxxxxxxx
18. Click next ,it will open the Solr setting.
19. You can verify your solr setting or if you another solr service or solr was install before installing Sitecore, you have to put your solr settings here.
a) Solr service Url: local Solr url(Default url:https://localhost:8983/solr/)
b) Solr file System root: Give the path of Solr installed in your system.
c) Solr windows service name:Put Solr service name ,you can find the Solr service name from windows service app.
20. Click next, it will open select Sitecore optional module
There is one module, that is SXA. You can check it to install SXA with Sitecore installations.
21. It will benefit me, because I don’t need to install SXA separately, so I will select and click next. It will open the Summary window.
You have just verify details:
22. Click next, it will open the validate window.
23. Click next will open the Install window:
24. After installation complete, it give successfully installed status.
25. Click Next and launch Your Sitecore 9.3 in your system.
26. login to Sitecore, apps window
27. Running Sitecore website in local system.
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