Quick Sitecore 10.1 installations step by step and get new dynamic look and responsive UI.
Prem Murmu
3/29/2021 9:14:44 AM
Why Sitecore10.1 as a best digital solution than its previous versions ?
Ans: As per Sitecore, this version focuses to improve time-to-market and increase usability and decrease infrastructure costs.
Sitecore AI Auto-Personalization Standard is available with this release, helps brands jumpstart personalization efforts, automatically identifying visitor trends, creating customer segments and modifying page elements to deliver personalized experiences and enabling users to drive more value out of their Sitecore implementations.
Sitecore 10.1 new Dynamic Look
More Higlights of Sitecore 10.1
1. Horizon Enhancements providing new publishing and editing capabilities while reducing the need to switch UIs.
2. Global Search in Content and Pages enabling search within Horizon and making search more efficient.
3. Additional Field type support providing the ability to use Droplinks and Checklists within Horizon.
4. Rules-based content profiling improves marketer productivity with automatic behavioral-based profiling of content based on content tags and taxonomy.
5. Stronger SXA and Horizon integration exposing rendering parameters, components styles, and grid configuration out-of-the-box.
6. Simple Send Email action for sending emails without utilizing EXM and incorporating information from Forms fields.
7. Improved Upgrade Experience by storing default content items outside of the database, removing the need for applying Update packages.
8. Data Purge Tool for XDB provides more control of storage resources and can be used to reduce hosting costs.
9. Reporting role consolidation enables further hosting cost reduction by consolidation the Reporting role with the CM role.
10. New Next.js SDK and sample site are now available for the Sitecore JavaScript SDKs, providing a Jamstack rendering option that improves page performance and site scalability.
Sitecore 10.1 GUI installation steps:
1. Download sitecore 10.1 from Sitecore download for On Premise installations. I will choose Graphical setup package for XP Single.
2. Extract downloaded zip file and run the Sitecore setup exe.
3. We you click setup exe, a window with sitecore welcome assistant comes up. In this sitecore inform us for some guide line to follow:
a.) Must have valid sitecore license
b.) You must have Microsoft sql server installed.
c.) Sitecore will install solr, if not installed.
d.) Rest prerequisite will be installed during sitecore installation process.
4. Prerequisites installation:
Click install to install prerequisite for sitecore install framework(SIF) and Windows Server prerequisites. If already installed you can skip it. I have to install to verify and install correct version of prerequisites.
So just wait and don't interrupt the prerequisite installation process. Click next if completed.
5. Solr installations:
It will open the install Solr search service window, like below. You can just skip this process, if you have already installed Solr service. I will click install to install correct version of solr for Sitecore 10.1
Fill the windows service and path prefix name As "SolrApp" and you can change the port and install path, but keep them default is also a good choice.
For configuring Solr setting , you will get chances in next steps.
If you see this says like solr installation complete like below
then you should once check solr is installed correctly or not by just hit solr localhost url .
https://localhost:8983/solr/#/ to make sure it is running well, like below.
Click next if completed.
6. Sitecore settings:
Fill boxes:
Installation/solution prefix: Siteprem you can keep any name prefix
Sitecore admin password: b
Sitecore license files: you have to select the valid Sitecore license here.
Then click next.
7. Microsoft Sql Server setting:
Put you setting like below:
Microsoft SQL server instance: your sql server instance name,
Microsoft SQL server admin user name: sa,
Microsoft SQL server admin password: xxxxxxxx
8. Solr setting:
specify following setting:
a.) solr service url : https://localhost:8983/solr
b.) solr system file : C:\Solr\SolrAppSolr-8.4.0
c.) solr windows service name : SolrAppSolr-8.4.0
if you installed solr in using process then all setting comes automatically.
Click next.
9. Select optional sitecore optional module:
Check the checkbox to intall Sitecore experience Accelerator (SXA) with installation process.
10. Summery:
It list down the setting we specified during process.
11. Validate:
It validates all settings are correct or not.
For me now , my sql connection an username not validated.
For this i have to click back button to go to right window for sql setting.
I changed Microsoft sql server instance name (local) to exact server name: DESKTOP-7EQVDBS\SQLEXPRESS.
and Username will same( sa ).
I will give exact sql server connection name and correct username.
Now validate section successful.
12. Install Sitecore
Now we click install button and wait for complete installations.
13. Installation completed.
Click next.
Click launch Sitecore.
14. You will get complete different look of sitecore 10.1. I am surprised to watch new dynamic design and responsive UI of Sitecore 10.1.
I will explore more on sitecore 10.1 . and keep sharing you posts.
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