CHASSIS - A skeleton frame for Automotive
6/16/2022 1:15:44 PM
Chassis – basic parts in automobile chassis system. The name “chassis” comes from the French word “chassis,” which originally meant “frame” or “primary pillar” of a car.
Chassis frame is the basic frame work of the automobile. It supports all the parts of the automobile attached to it. All the systems related to automobile like powerplant,transmission, steering, suspension, braking system etc are attached and supported by it only.
Chassis Is the Canvas of the Car
A chassis is one of the most important components of a vehicle, without which the car would have no structure. It is the canvas in which the final construction of the vehicle is placed upon. Chassis are usually made of carbon steel. More recently, as a way to create more inexpensive vehicles, some chassis have been made with aluminum.
The Functions of the Chassis frame:
1. To carry all the stationary loads attached to it and loads of passenger and cargo carried in it .
2. To withstand torsional vibration caused by the movement of the vehicle
3. To withstand the centrifugal force caused by cornering of the vehicle
4. To control the vibration caused by the running of the vehicle
5. To withstand bending stresses due to rise and fall of the front and rear axles.
Chassis Frame Loads & Material Used:
-Short Duration Loads (Broken Patch {Uneven rough surfaces})
-Momentary Duration (Cornering)
-Impact Loads (Across accident{front rear side})
-Inertia Loads(Braking & Acceleration)
-Static Loads(Weight of chassis components)
-Over Loads
Material used
3)Carbon Fibre
Types of chassis frame:
These types of chassis frames support all the systems like engine, braking system, transmission system, suspension system, etc. in a vehicle. The frame is made in separate unit giving a shape of a ladder frame. The conventional chassis frame is often found in bigger vehicles, truck bus SUVs, etc. these chassis are so tough that they don’t often damage even in accidents.
This chassis is also known as “body on chassis”
In this type of frame load is transferred to the body structure.This Frame however is heavy In semi integral frame half frame is fixed in the front end on which engine gear box and front suspension is mounted.This type of frame is used in some of the European & american cars.
-Semi Integral
In some vehicles half frame is fixed in the front end on which engine gear box and front suspension is mounted.This type of frame is heavier in construction. It has the advantage when the vehicle is met with accident the front frame can be taken easily to replace the damaged chassis frame.
Some of the Special Chassis:
-Monocoque is a one-piece structure which defines overall shapes of the car while ladder tubular provide only stress member
-Today 99% cars produced in this planet are made of monocoque chassis
-Chassis are made by welding of several pieces (spot welding)
Aluminium Monocoque
-Audi A8 is the first mass production car featuring aluminium space chassis frame chassis
-To replace conventional steel monocoque mainly for the benefit of lightness
-Audi claimed A8' ASF is 40% lighter yet 40% stiffer than contemporary steel monocoque
Carbon Fibre Monocoque
-Carbon Fibre is the most sophisticated material using in aircraft,spaceship and racing cars because of its superior rigidity to weight ratios
-Roads cars featuring carbon fibre body parrels such as Ferrari 288 GTO and porsche 959.There are several carbon-fibre commonly used in motor industry.
-Kevlar which was developed by DU Pont offers the highest rigidity to weight ratio among them because of this army's helmet are made of Kevlar.
Kevlar can also be found in the body panels of many of them simultaneously use other kinds of carbon fibre in even larger amount.
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